Quality of the castings is constantly assured by control procedures capable of guaranteeing systematic checks during all phases of the manufacturing process.
Qualified and reliable suppliers supply all row materials. An analysis certificate of the supplier accompanies ferrous materials.
Moulding sands are checked by an automatic system (HARTLEY) which manages all the functions of the muller: it establishes the parameters and the characteristics of the sand and automatically makes all adjustments, the same system carries out statistic analysis of the parameters, which have been checked.
The melted metal is analysed by a quantometer: the samples are taken at the exit of the holding furnace and the adjustments are made before the metal is put in the casting furnace. An automatic cast furnace operated by PLC assures a steady temperature and a steady casting speed.
All finished pieces undergo visual control. In compliance with the standards in force, we carry out mechanical test, chemical and micrographyc analysis, hardness controls with ultrasounds making use of the statistical sampling.
Dimensions controls and special tests are carried out by a certified outer laboratory.